As you are probably aware, the Massachusetts Cultural Council offers many programs to help fund artists and the people who love them. Most commonly, artists and organizations scurry each year to meet the mid-October deadline for “local cultural council” grants. Each town in the Commonwealth has a council to which one can apply, and each has its own rules; however, that being said, towns are pretty consistent, as they follow the state guidelines. Funding is done on a reimbursement basis.
Many of Greg’s programs have been funded by these grants, which are quite simple to apply for. You, as an organization, may apply (This increases your chances because you are local.), or Greg may apply as an individual artist. Competition is fierce for limited funds, however, so if you decide to apply yourself to fund Greg, give him a call and he will gladly walk you through the process. The competition for these funds has made it imperative for applicants to learn and stick to the MCC application requirements.
Want to apply for an LCC grant to have Greg visit? Here’s what to do:
1) Call Greg to get started, 413-532-3667, or email him. Call early to be sure Maichack Arts has time to include your application. We try to make every application we can, up to deadline, but there is usually a large volume. If possible, have your date, time and venue mapped out. Greg can put you tentatively on the calendar.
2) Visit the Local Cultural Councils part of the MCC website: In the left hand navigation bar, you’ll find links to the two-page application form.
3) Ask Greg to send you the answers to the two-page form which includes all the pertinent information needed to describe the program, its benefits, his qualifications, the budget, etc. It is easiest to receive these answers to the form electronically, so you can easily swipe and paste in the answers while on line. (You can’t save the PDF files on their site, so get all the info, swipe and paste it in, and then print it out, noting the number of copies required by your particular town.
4) Greg has received more than 180 grants to date, so his answers are not only a cinch for you to cut and paste, they have proven successful in towns across Massachusetts! Many towns have been so happy with Greg’s workshops, they have rebooked him, sometimes through grants, sometimes directly, as with many libraries and councils on aging.
We’d love to work with you! Contact Greg at your earliest convenience for more information.
Workshops are happening all over New England this fall and winter. Why not try a pastel workshop to express your creative side? Click here to see Greg’s calendar listings.